We think the church should be the safest place to bring your questions and doubts. Starting Point is an engaging group experience where you can explore faith, free from pressure and judgment.
New Starting Point classes are kicking off EVERY FEW WEEKS! Learn more and sign up by clicking on the image!
New Starting Point classes are kicking off EVERY FEW WEEKS! Learn more and sign up by clicking on the image!
Take a leap...Lead a group!
We know– leading a group sounds like climbing Mount Everest. Whether you're an introvert, feel under-qualified, or just feel downright terrified. We get it!
With the help of video curriculum from Rightnow Media along with guidance from our awesome Groups Director, you might just be one step away from spearheading a group that could bring the most meaningful community you've ever known!
With the help of video curriculum from Rightnow Media along with guidance from our awesome Groups Director, you might just be one step away from spearheading a group that could bring the most meaningful community you've ever known!

Be an Artist & do some good!
Empty Bowls is a one-of-a kind way to serve our homeless community. Each person purchases a ceramic bowl to paint and the bowl is donated back to Empty Bowls to sell at their yearly fundraiser to support the Racine County Food Bank & HALO (Homeless Assistance Leadership Organization).
Join us at this event and register by tapping on the photo on this banner!
Join us at this event and register by tapping on the photo on this banner!
people helping people find & follow Jesus
Thanks for connecting here at Great Lakes Church! Explore more next steps here: